I Peccati del Duca Gin
Legend has it that, in ancient times, wherever there was a castle, his squire had the right to apply the ius primae noctis, the right of the first night, or the possibility of go to bed with the new bride even before the bridegroom.
In Bagnoli del Trigno, a charming village in the province of Isernia, in Molise, formerly built as a duchy, it is told how the DUCHESS, jealous of the Duke, that her law applied it always, she agreed with BELLAMARIA, a beautiful commoner, to set a trap for him.
This is how on that night, the young bridegroom, disguised as a charming girl damsel, received in the ducal bed, reveals the most beautiful his true identity and stabs the duke to death. The people, rising in revolt, set fire to the castle, which is coming devoured by the flames of a great FIRE.
"The Sins of the Duke", binding to the legend, represent gin with unique tastes, expressed in three types, in which it is constant the presence of the Blackthorn (trigno), a forgotten fruit but widespread in the Molise area.
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